It’s Finally Happened

April 23, 2010 at 06:11 (Animals, Travel, Writing) (, , , )

Some poor soul has shown an interest in our crazy beast of a foster cat. We put Tasha up on Petfinder weeks ago but nobody bit – probably because there are thousands of other cats looking for homes on that site and it was impossible to find her, even though I made sure to put up her sexiest photos.

They’re coming to meet her on Saturday. They have a small garden and no kids, so at least I won’t have to feel guilty about hearing some children got mauled a couple of blocks away by a rabid monster. I could really see her lying on a baby’s face for fun, not just for warmth. Beast.

As much as Tasha is a mega annoying pain in the butt, though, I’m going to miss her. When she’s nice, she is nice, and even though she likes to let her teeth poke out when she rubs her head against you (we affectionately refer to it as ‘toothing’, as in “urgh! Tasha just toothed me in the mouth!”) and bite you for absolutely no reason; even though she insists on constantly fucking shit up and knocking random objects off tables for NO REASON; even though she always wants whatever YOU have just because she doesn’t have it, I love her.

So I hope this couple is nice and they get on, and that Tasha behaves. Hopefully she won’t show her true colours because they’ll be out the door in a shot. She is, after all, mental.

While I don’t seek to get emotional about stuff, it is really great to love people and animals, even if there’s a chance that one day you will lose them. Grief is validation of love and, while awful, a beautiful thing we go through that shows how much something meant to us. I always knew I sucked at goodbyes and I know now that it’s because the people and animals I get attached to, I love enormously. I cry at goodbyes. Well, sometimes (when I left for Canada I was like “bye parents!” then when I hugged my bff the reality of what was happening hit me. Wasn’t pretty). I’m also learning I am a sentimental idiot in general, which may sound strange to pretty much everyone who knows me. Still, the occasional wrench of my cold, black heart has been good for me and I know I have grown from the events that will seem so small and insignificant to some. Then again, it doesn’t really bode well for other losses that are yet to come in my future. I just hope I will be able to be as brave and strong as some of my friends when those moments come.

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